Celebrate your achievements…
At the end of your international placement, Project Trust invites you to a two-day residential Debriefing Course. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to share what you have learned, spend time with your country group and celebrate your achievements.

Debriefing offers the opportunity to reflect on your entire Project Trust experience and to provide us with invaluable feedback so that we can continue to develop and offer young people opportunities of a lifetime.
Just as important as looking back, Debriefing is also about looking forward to the future, planning how to make the most of your experience and learning about how you can stay involved with the Project Trust Community.
Debriefing dates 2024
- Thursday 29th– 31st August (Honduras, Ghana, Malawi & Philippines)
- Saturday 31st-2nd September (Japan, Senegal & Thailand)

“Debriefing is a fantastic opportunity to share your experience from overseas with people who truly understand and appreciate your year away.”
Robyn, Swaziland Volunteer