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By joining us, you are not just giving – you are unlocking the doors to a life-changing experience for our Volunteers. Your continued support ensures Project Trust can empower young people to learn about the world and become a positive force within it.

Now more than ever, we need global citizens of the future, armed with knowledge empathy and passion to drive change and make a positive impact on our world. Join us in creating a ripple of change that lasts a lifetime. 

£5 a month will cover the cost of 3 school talks, ensuring we can support a diverse range of young people in accessing this incredible opportunity 

£10 a month will provide a Volunteer with in-person teacher training during their pre-departure development course  

£25 a month will support 20 Volunteers in a new country programme focused on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensuring inclusive and quality education and promoting learning opportunities for all

£100 a month will support a primary school in Malawi with a Project Trust Volunteer for 1 year 

Alternative ways to give

Account Name: Project Trust
Sort Code: 82-48-08
Account No: 70451700

Please do contact us to let us know if you have set up a standing order and if applicable, please complete the Giftaid Declaration.

Contact Us

  • Please give a brief outline of what you would like to discuss. This will ensure that we can put you in touch with the relevant person to handle your enquiry.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please make your cheque payable to Project Trust and post.

Project Trust (Fundraising)
The Hebridean Centre
Isle of Coll
Argyll  PA78 6TE

Leaving a gift in your will to charity is an incredibly generous way to make a donation.

To learn more, please contact us

” For me, giving monthly is about return on investment. Not a personal return, but a societal return. It is more important than ever that the future leaders have as much awareness of other cultures as possible.

Steve Jones, Returned Volunteer (Zimbabwe 98/99)

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