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Mentor Charter

Mentor Charter

I agree to follow the guidelines detailed in the Mentor Information Page and training, as well as the principles outlined below.

Principle 1: Ambassador for Project Trust…

  • I will act and behave in a way that reflects positively upon Project Trust and is consistent with the organisation’s values and principles.
  • I will not jeopardise the good name and reputation of Project Trust.

Principle 2: Nurturing approach to mentoring…

  • I will approach interactions with my Mentee with positivity, respect, empathy and patience.
  • I will recognise and respect the boundaries of professionalism.

 Principle 3: Child Protection and Safeguarding…

  • I will have completed a Basic Online Disclosure.
  • I will not engage in inappropriate relationships (i.e. romantic or sexual) with those whom I am mentoring.
  • I will ensure that face-to-face meetings with a Mentee occur in a public and open space.
  • I will not add any Mentee as a friend on my personal social media accounts.

Principle 4: Contact with Project Trust… 

  • I will keep Project Trust informed of my contact points with my Mentee.
  • I will identify anything that needs to be followed up on by a staff member.

Principle 5: Commitment and Responsibility…   

  • I can commit to the time needed to support my Mentee.
  • I appreciate that not abiding by these principles will result in me being asked to discontinue being a Project Trust Mentor.
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